Help Animals in Need

cute-kittenweeeThe ASPCA was founded in 1866 as the first humane organization in the Western Hemisphere. The Society was formed to alleviate the injustices animals faced then, and we continue to battle cruelty today. Whether it’s saving a pet who has been accidentally poisoned, fighting to pass humane laws, rescuing animals from abuse or sharing resources with shelters across the country, we work toward the day in which no animal will live in pain or fear. Learn more about the ASPCA »

Come and join us in the fight to end animal cruelty—become an ASPCA Member today!


My paranoid aura is beginning to fade beyond my calming yet manic eyes- as I divulge into worlds unknown, tearing apart my world from above, analyzing my flaws and faults upon a melancholy backdrop of sky and ocean. The stars shine and glimmer about, flashing through unknown waters- below the vast seas I travel, wanting to feel the radiance of the sun, wanting to hear more than silence, wanting to forget my ghostly past, just wanting- just flowing in a monsoon of thoughts and worries- going with the flow.

No one tells you that the flow isn’t actually a flow at all. It’s a blowing, ferocious storm, and it is a part of you. Once you decide to let it control you, it will certainly do so. The earth is beautiful, but society is not. Take people off of the earth, and you have a living, growing – thriving world – a world that shines, smiles, and rebounds from its own storms. You put people on those shores, and let them fight against the wind and rain, against storms and hurricanes, and you are eventually left with chaos.

However, it’s not the people’s fault that they live where they do when these horrid things happen. It’s just life. It’s unforgiving, it’s cruel; it’s life – just life. We make life choices that change how we live, where we live, what we have- usually not what others have, and that is one of our greatest flaws. It’s all about us, not about anyone else. We close our eyes and turn away from the truth that some unfortunate people have to face. We refuse to volunteer our time and money to help something or someone that is in a less-than-fortunate situation. Why? It doesn’t benefit our income, our way of life, or our possessions.

Luckily, some people do see the truth- the truth that it’s not about what we have, it’s about what all of us have, and until we agree to come together- to fight, breath, and live as one, then we fail to improve our morality and our purity, and continue to dive into the realm of poverty and economic and global stress. Since we choose to live on this earth, shouldn’t we do something to help, just one little thing- just something?

My eyes close as I end writing that thought, still thinking, still flowing. Although hard, I’m trying to make as much sense of this world as I can. The world is so beautiful in a lot of ways, but so horrible in others. It’s just life, but hopefully the beauty will have its day to shine above the darkness that lies within. Perhaps the good will defeat the evil completely. Until then, I live on in a motionless torment, below the sky and sea, yet above everything. One day I’ll walk on a beach of pure white and sun- when the fight is fought and when the fight is won, or lost- depending on which side you’re on.

Regardless, it’s always darkest before the dawn, and the dawn sprouts life and warmth, which will heal us all, and perhaps bring us together for good. But, who knows, everything is chance, and in a world of chance, it’s hard to find motivation to live. That’s just my opinion, but I am optimistic that things will change for the good, and I’ll find my place somewhere in the world one day, once I’m out of this unforgiving flow. Time is the only thing that can heal us, yet it’s also the only thing that can kill us.

Time is almost as unforgiving as the flow of life, but it’s the only thing that you can count on to be there, when everything else stops, when your heart skips a beat, time still moves on, and it’ll bring you where you’re supposed to be. So just live for yourself, live for others, live for improvement, just live. Everything will figure itself out in the end. When the storm is over, you’ll land where you belong.

A Shameful Seed

Harmony of the Worlds- Pt2

Respecting Nature and Fighting Corruption

By Jacob Vinson

These flowers are dying every day, just as the morals of society.

These flowers are dying every day, just as the morals of society.

On the exact second that we were born, the planets were aligned in such a way that they can never, in our lifetime, be aligned exactly that way again. With this alignment, on your exact moment of birth, there was a sort of “harmony of planets-” A “song” made just for you. It is almost like the song that defines your soul- an imprint that truly separates you from anyone else. Unfortunately, Kepler never went as far as to look beyond the rotation and orbits of a planet too see what tones a specific time period would create, but rationally it would take several lifetimes to do so. Still, his research has brought forth an amazing mixture of planets and sounds. It is beautiful to think that everyone on the Earth is bound to the planets and stars harmoniously. Maybe one day we’ll be able to listen to our own “Harmony of the Worlds.”

The shore is a beautiful precursor to the flowing ocean that basks in the hues of the day’s end- the same ocean on which the day is just beginning in faraway lands. Faint piano notes and jazz riffs waft in the air even though there is no real music around. Nature tells a story of its own; it sings its own songs and encourages you to ponder upon their meaning. How we interpret this is entirely up to us. I choose to symbolize nature with a song- one that flows into your ears, one that compels you, and one that challenges one’s inhibitions.

The earth itself portrays a sort of harmony– and essence– that some fail to see. Darkening clouds are being moved by the wind, shaking trees and vines. The mere sight or feeling of wind heightens everyone’s attentions. “What’s about to happen?” They may say- “Is is going to rain? I hope it doesn’t. Ugh!”

Why complain about something beautiful as the wind and rain? They are both parts of our lives that harmoniously keep us alive. They are strong components, and can’t be controlled by humans. This is not our world, this is nature’s world, and we have to respect that.

I hear all of the time about people dangerously riding out hurricanes and other wild storms. This is completely ridiculous. Our lives are more fragile than some of us would like to believe. It takes days for a hurricane to die down. It takes a millisecond for a human to die.

This reminds us that we have to learn to work together and try to make this world a better place, instead of ignoring the increasing dangers. A corrupt seed is growing- evil, hatred, and disrespect are all growing rampant, and frankly, it’s almost impossible to stop it. But, my friends- there is still hope, and that hope is you. Respect nature, don’t be afraid to snitch on the wicked and corrupt and money-hungry officials and thieves, but most importantly keep an optimistic yet aware mindset. I’m sure all of us agree that it couldn’t hurt to try to positively increase the health of society and nature. It may be a losing battle, but it is truly a noble one, and if I died fighting for these rights, I would die I happy man.

Please take what I’ve said into consideration. I’m only 18, but when I’m grown and married, I want my children to live in a world that’s even better than the one I live in now. It’s up to us…. It’s up to us.

Let’s do this. Let’s do it together… We can uproot this shameful seed we’ve sown. Here are some websites that can help lead us to the path of justice:

Thank you so very much for your time- please comments with your advice and/or other links that I can add to the blog. This is no game, this is war- a war that we must win- for the sake of humanity.

We have to uproot the shameful seed our past generations have sown.

Good luck and God Bless!

© 2008, Jacob Vinson — All Rights Reserved

Support Incentives for Clean Energy Jobs

Support incentives for clean energy jobs

Join the 73,506 people who have signed the petition!

The Petition Reads:

Dear Members of Congress:

“I urge you to support tax incentives for renewable energy. These incentives help create jobs and lower greenhouse gases. They are the kind of policies that will help solve the climate crisis.”

By raising your voice on the issue of clean energy, you’re in some very good company. A great many Unlikely Alliances have formed to make the call for clean power:

  • The United Steelworkers, as part of the Blue-Green Alliance, have joined the We Campaign. They see the great jobs potential in the renewable energy sector, and they want safe and affordable energy sources for our manufacturing sector.
  • Green For All brings renewable energy jobs right to the heart of America’s inner cities. They are unifying diverse urban communities around a clean energy future.
  • The 25 x ’25 Alliance, based largely in America’s Farm Belt, is pushing the U.S. to derive 25% of its energy from renewable sources by 2025. It’s an ambitious, but attainable, goal – so long as Congress acts.
  • Read more about clean energy tax incentives.

    Sign the Petition, Click Here!